
'023 | 3D_oBag


Researcher; Project Duration: 2 months


Ovoid Bag.


Computational design - Minimal surface + Physics engine


Taiwan / 2023 spring




[oBag01 - Minimal surface]

Closed mesh output:

- Contour X to Y proportion 1;1

- Generated from Kangaroo 2 Physics engine.

- Remeshed via Catmull–Clark subdivision component.


[oBag02 - Minimal surface]

Closed mesh output:

- Contour X to Y proportion 7:4

- Generated from Kangaroo 2 Physics engine.

- Remeshed via Catmull–Clark subdivision component.


[oBag03 - Minimal surface]

Closed mesh output:

- Contour X to Y proportion 5;9

- Generated from Kangaroo 2 Physics engine.

- Remeshed via Catmull–Clark subdivision component.
